If you are a Big Brother Live Feeds watcher, you have probably already noticed we have nothing but Jeff Schroeder highlights loops going on Monday morning. Unfortunately that’s pretty much how it’s going to be for 36 hours until after Tuesday night’s special eviction. So that means Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds are at a halt until they come back online.

We’ve already seen the outrage flying on Twitter and Facebook from Live Feeds subscribers about how they are being robbed, and they’ll never get Feeds again, etc. This happens EVERY season. We always get long blackouts during the final couple of weeks so that CBS Big Brother can save some suspense and hopefully surprise for the last few episodes.
Honestly, we think it’s a serious bargain to pay out so little for so MANY hours of entertainment that we get from the Live Feeds. Watching Big Brother on the Live Feeds is like watching an entirely different, far more complex and entertaining show than just watching the CBS episodes. If we only had the episodes to go on, Big Brother would be such a lot less fun. Plus, we’d never know how much the Houseguests really differ from the ‘roles’ they are edited into on the TV shows.
CBS doesn’t promise when you sign up that you will get to watch every single minute. In fact, CBS makes it very clear from the get go that some things are going to be blacked out, and sometimes that means long periods of time with no feeds. Do we like it? NO! Do we get why they do it? Yes! After all, you’re paying less for Feeds each month than a really fancy Starbucks drink. The minimal cost for maximum enjoyment certainly seems worth it to me, even with a few days here and there of cursing feeds blackouts.
Anyway, I digress. The Live Feeds will be down until after the eviction on Tuesday night. When they come back up, we’ll find out which Houseguest got the boot off to the Jury House and who will be the final four on Big Brother 17.
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