Big Brother 2014 cast member and Seattle native Joey Van Pelt is an activist, environmentalist, makeup artist and hairstylist. But don’t let her granola ways fool you, she was also the mascot, homecoming queen and senior class president back in high school. This girl has mad skills!

Jody also kind of reminds of us a troll doll in the getup she is wearing for her official CBS Big Brother 16 cast photo. That is not meant to be insulting. We love troll dolls and we are digging Jody and her crazy blue hair equally as much.
Big Brother 16 Houseguest Joey Van Pelt Photos
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CBS Big Brother 16 Bio: Joey Van Pelt
Age: 27
Hometown: Seattle, Wash.
Occupation: Makeup Artist / Hairstylist
Three adjectives that describe you: Adventurous, happy, sensitive and witty!
Favorite Activities: Hanging out with my friends and doing makeup for weddings and special events!
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Not being able to poop because there are men in the house. I guess I won’t be pooping for 3 months.
Do you have a strategy for winning Big Brother?: Be the nicest person to ever win the show.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: GinaMarie is my favorite because she always had a great attitude.
What are you afraid of: I’m not telling!
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of: Coming to the conclusion that I’m a good person to others.
Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… Go big or go home!
What would you take into the house and why: My cellphone for obvious reasons, a guitar so I have something to tame my ADHD and a laptop.
What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous: Everything!
Joey was her high school’s mascot (a tiger), homecoming queen and senior class president. She has very liberal views, a strong stance on recycling and once even traveled the San Juan Islands helping terminally ill patients with end of life care.
Joey Van Pelt Big Brother 2014 Video Interviews
More on Joey Van Pelt:
Joey apparently plays the guitar, since she mentions that she will miss it in her CBS bio. In her profile, Joey shows off that she doesn’t always rock blue hair, and states her ethnicity as “mixed” without further detail. We are liking the diversity this season. BTW, Joey’s hair actually now even has it’s own spoof Twitter feed. Don’t expect it to stay the same though, because apparently she has several other colors of hair dye with her in the BB16 house.
We don’t have a lot more about Joey before she was cast on Big Brother 2014, but we do know that she is apparently a big fan of Paint Dancing. Oh, and she is yet another ‘recruit’ for season 16. She was approached to be on the show while she was doing someone’s makeup. (She has not specified whose makeup, as far as we know.)
Big Brother 16 Eviction:
Joey Van Pelt was eliminated first on Big Brother 2014.
Big Brother 16 Highlights:
* Big Brother 2014 Cast: Joey Van Pelt Rages With Alter-Ego ‘Alex’
* Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Joey Reveals Team America Twist – Sort of