Big Brother 13 Houseguest Profile: Brendon Villegas
Brendon Villegas, 30, is a High School Swim Coach from Riverside, California. He describes himself as “fun, driven and intelligible” and enjoys “running, basketball, swimming and cycling.” […]
Brendon Villegas, 30, is a High School Swim Coach from Riverside, California. He describes himself as “fun, driven and intelligible” and enjoys “running, basketball, swimming and cycling.” […]
hel Reilly, 26, is a chemistry graduate student and cocktail waitress from Las Vegas, Nevada. We are pretty sure her cleavage has been either artificially enhanced or are the most fake-looking natural breasts we’ve ever seen. […]
Brendon and Rachel, otherwise known as Brenchel, are the power couple of Big Brother 12. This duo ruled the house for a number of weeks during their season and they are out to do it again on Big Brother 13.
Game play in the Big Brother 13 house yesterday and this morning is all about the Power of Veto. The houseguests are caught up in the drama of how the Power of Veto is going to be used and who is going to end up on the chopping block.
CBS has finally released the Big Brother live feed mobile app for Android*! Yay! Now you can flip on your phone and tune in to watch your favorite Big Brother 13 houseguests day or night. Here’s how you can get your Big Brother live mobile app setup on your Android phone.
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