Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Power of Veto Competition Results Take 2!

9-11-2013 09-20-17 PMWhat a night on Big Brother 15! Not only did we watch a Veto Competition, Veto Meeting, live eviction and Head of Household Comp on the CBS show on Wednesday — but we also had spoilers from the Live Feeds on the next set of nominations and the new Power of Veto winner. That’s right folks, it looks like we know for certain now who is going to be going to the Big Brother 2013 Final Three!

Of course, it took frakking forever to find out who was nominated when the Big Brother Live Feeds came back on around 9:10 PM BBT. And we’re still not 100 percent certain on the PoV winner. The HouseGuests seem determined to make us watch the most boring hours of Live Feeds ever filmed before we finally get official confirmation. We had to watch GinaMarie make a bracelet… and listen to Spencer give shoutouts to his psuedo sort of maybe ex-girlfriend Marilyn. More Elissa bashing. Ugh.

Finally though, after waiting forever and speculating on who looked happy and who looked worried, we think we know who was nominated for eviction and who may have landed the most coveted Power of Veto win of the season. If you haven’t watched Wednesday night’s episode yet, please be warned that there are massive Big Brother spoilers ahead!

Who would be moving on to the final three on Big Brother 15 was all about who won the last Power of Veto Competition before the final Head of Household challenge. As the new Head of Household, only Andy was guaranteed a spot in the top three. The Power of Veto winner would pretty much determine who the other two HouseGuests would be to compete in the last HoH Competition in hopes of making it to the final two Jury vote.

Finding out who won the Power of Veto took HOURS on the Live Feeds after they came back on following the Wednesday night show. We think the HouseGuests may have been told to try to keep it a secret for the Big Brother After Dark show but who knows. After much speculation based on tiny clues, we finally found out that McCrae did NOT win and expects to go home next. This was confirmed by Spencer and Andy whispering about him getting evicted next.

It took quite a long time after that to finally get the actual word on who holds the PoV power and it turns out… it was the same person who is currently shacked up in the Head of Household suite. Yep, that’s right, Andy won both the Head of Household Competition and the Power of Veto. So he will determine who will go through to the final three and it looks like, right now, he is going to take GinaMarie and Spencer with him.

Stay tuned for all the latest Big Brother 15 spoilers and highlights coming to you right here

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