Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Who Will Be Evicted in Week 7?

8-12-2013 at 12-50-AMThis week in Big Brother 15 spoilers from the Live Feeds, we’ve enjoyed a high level of drama from eviction nominee Jessie Kowalski as she fights hard to save herself from eviction. But will her crazy, last minute attempt to emulate Evel Dick in the house actually keep her from being the next HouseGuest going to the Jury? It’s a wild strategy and Jessie has been campaigning like a mad woman but we’re not sure it’s enough to convince the house majority that Spencer Clawson is a better target this week.

Fans watching the Big Brother Live Feeds have gained a new respect (or hatred) of Jessie the past few days as she went from scheming little mouse to full-on mean girl lioness. Even those watchers who are now hoping Jessie might actually get saved, however, have to admit that she brought this whole eviction nomination on herself. Jessie trusted the wrong people and it put her on the block.

Jessie got herself into trouble when she kept waffling about her vote and changing sides based on where she thought the power was. Then she compounded her negative reputation by trying to secretly campaign to get Amanda Zuckerman backdoored — to Amanda’s allies!

After Helen Kim and Andy Herren denied her because they didn’t want to rock the boat or attack their own alliance mates just yet, both of them squealed to Amanda and McCrae about Jessie’s attempts to flip the vote. Naturally, neither of them ever mentioned that there were some points at which they seriously discussed the idea, especially Helen.

After Jessie was nominated for eviction by Andy this week on the heels of all of that, you knew it was looking bad for her. She was the target right from the start unless she won the Power of Veto. (There was a tentative plan to evict GinaMarie Zimmerman if that happened.) When Andy won the PoV and left Jessie and Spencer as the nominees, that was pretty much the nail in Jessie’s coffin. Although she didn’t actually know that for a few days.

Big Brother 15 Live Feeds Tuesday Week 7 (7)Finally though, it became way too obvious that Jessie was the one in danger, especially after she basically overheard some of the other HouseGuests talking about her and the eviction. She apparently decided the best response was to try to go the ‘Evel Dick’ route and start slashing and burning her way through the house, betraying everyone to everyone else and insulting all the HouseGuests one after the other.

Meanwhile, Andy is telling Spencer he is safe and telling Jessie he can’t vote and has no control over anyone. Others are lying to Jessie that she has their vote and is probably safe but it seems obvious to us, at least, that she’s pretty aware she is probably going to bite it at this point. No matter what wild behavior Jessie has thrown out there (and later attempted to apologize for) or backstabbing she has done the past few days, it all looks pretty hopeless.

Unless something absolutely insane happens inside the Big Brother 15 house between now and the live eviction on Thursday, we have no doubt at all that Jessie will go to the Jury House this week.

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