Of all the Big Brother 15 cast members, we have to give the prize for the most outrageous Twitter feed to David Girton. The poor guy was the first person eliminated on Big Brother 2013 but we ended up being more entertained by him just on Twitter than we were by many of the HouseGuests while they were on the show.

Since Big Brother 15 ended, David ‘The Hair’ Girton has continued to entertain us with the most outrageous, ridiculous, gross, lewd, and totally whacked Twitter comments and photos imaginable. Some of the things he says are so out there, we can’t help but wonder what he is smoking, how much of it he is smoking, and where we can buy some… but we digress.
Just for fun, we decided that we had to post some of the wackiest David Girton Twitter comments from the past week or so we thought were amusing. We encourage you to gawk along with us and then follow his Twitter feed to remind yourself that yes, people like this exist and the world would be a whole lot less insanely amusing without them. (Warning though, David is very NSFW… we posted the mild stuff!)
Just when we thought @F1abraham sex movies were over she is now jacking off in a limousine whats next for this Teen Mom!!!!
— David Big Brother 15 (@davidgirton2) November 21, 2013
I want a girl to lather me up in nutella and lick tell it tickles or it can always go the opposite just as long as were having FUN!
— David Big Brother 15 (@davidgirton2) November 21, 2013
I just gotta say I have the FUCKING hottest fans older women, hot gay dudes, younger women, I have the whole fucking enchilada!!
— David Big Brother 15 (@davidgirton2) November 19, 2013
I know Im not HUNG like a fucking horse, or Im a rocket scientist, but what thing I can do is laugh at myself lets just have some fun……
— David Big Brother 15 (@davidgirton2) November 18, 2013
Heres the thing everybody in their life has to live once do some shrooms in the colorado woods and just run around BUTT naked why not???
— David Big Brother 15 (@davidgirton2) November 18, 2013
I pretty sure if I was getting as coked up as @ZacEfron has been doing I probably might make a mistake a commute to communism or scientology
— David Big Brother 15 (@davidgirton2) November 18, 2013
I wanna be the type of guy when people say they have a breath taking baby just tell the truth and flat out say your baby is fucking ugly!
— David Big Brother 15 (@davidgirton2) November 18, 2013
I want to plank over the sexiest girls feet. NO NO what would we be even better her holding me up with her sext feet and planking!!!
— David Big Brother 15 (@davidgirton2) November 15, 2013
I wanna be the guy who gets drunk at a BAR makes out with a Dude brushes it off my shoulders and realizes it was just a wild night!
— David Big Brother 15 (@davidgirton2) November 15, 2013
I just don’t get these reality stars from Big Brother and Survivor that do Porn amateur shit the best one was with Jenna Lewis from survivor
— David Big Brother 15 (@davidgirton2) November 13, 2013
Follow David Girton on Twitter @DavidGirton2.