Former Big Brother 3 and Big Brother All-Stars alum Danielle Reyes is denying she was asked to participate in a “veterans and relatives” season of the show this summer. In fact, she says the supposed rumor about her being approached to join the Big Brother 15 cast is so untrue, it even says she has a sister that doesn’t exist!
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The photo above pretty much summarizes Danielle’s response to the rumor that she was not only asked to come back for the Big Brother 2014 cast, but was then turned down because she asked for “way too much money.”
The rumor of a ‘relatives’ themed Big Brother 2014 cast has been going around for a while. Until recently, however, it’s been a pretty vague bit of gossip without any real specifics behind it.
Then came notorious Big Brother spoilers source CornerOffice, posting on Twitter at @corneroffice16 until the feed was suspended sometime within the last day or two. Now, this particular spoilers source HAS put out accurate information in the past. However, it has also produced some utter crap BS as well.
According to CornerOffice, the rumor of a ‘relatives’ season are true and, in fact, it would be veteran players and their relatives who would be playing for Big Brother 16. Taking it even further, the feed claimed they had names of the veterans and family members who would be joining the BB16 cast. Former BB3 star Danielle Reyes and her sister, however, would not be on it, the alleged spoiler said, because she wanted too big of a paycheck.
Well, Danielle was not happy in the least about this gossip about her and took to Twitter herself to set the record straight. First, she responded to @corneroffice16 by noting that she does not, in fact, have a sister. Then she followed up by saying firmly that she “was not asked to make another appearance ont he show” and again, that she does not have a sister.
And just to make it absolutely clear, Danielle shot off another tweet to @corneroffice16 saying that her “youngest is in the military and my oldest is raising her 4 beautiful children. None of my family members are being considered.”
One would think that if you are going to release so-called ‘Big Brother spoilers’ about the upcoming cast, you would at least make sure that you get your facts straight about who does and doesn’t have a sibling!