According to his CBS Big Brother 16 cast profile, Devin Shepherd was a former professional baseball player and now works as a Harley Davidson motorcycle sales manager. His bio goes into quite a bit of detail about Devin, the love he has for his daughter, and his strategy for playing the game. It fails to mention, however, that Devin Shepherd also happens to have a history of legal issues.

According to TVFishbowl, Big Brother 2014 cast member Devin Shepherd has experienced multiple run-ins with law enforcement over the years. Once reported incident included an arrest on petty burglary charges, although the charge was later dismissed. Devin was reportedly sentenced to probation on the petty theft charge, but later petitioned the court successfully to expunge the charge and change his plea to not guilty. He was allegedly arrested again several months later on a different charge, possible the DUI he mentioned on the Big Brother Live Feeds. On the Big Brother Live Feeds, Devin has spoken about his time in rehab and how he is a clean and sober guy now. So we are hoping this will be the end of any future legal troubles for Devin, who really seems to want to set a positive example for and be a role model to his young daughter.