We are pleased to announce Big Brother 16 winner Derrick Levasseur will be blogging all about Big Brother 17 this season! Derrick debuted his first column for Big Brother 2015 over at our sister site, BigBrotherNetwork.com, on Wednesday.

Derrick Levasseur will be serving as a guest writer on BBN this summer for Big Brother 2015. For his first blog, Derrick offers up advice to the new Big Brother 17 cast, what they should have done before they ever applied for the show, and some advice on what to do when they get in the Big Brother house.
“Make no mistake, it’s an absolute privilege to be selected as a cast member and you should keep this mentality through the entire game,” Derrick says in his first BigBrotherNetwork.com blog post. “This will help you to stay grounded and remind you to cherish every moment because before you know it, the experience will be over.”
“Once you are in the game and it comes to strategizing, you have to be able to adapt,” Derrick says. “Be ready for anything and develop your strategy as the game presents itself. If you are able to do that in conjunction with a solid approach to your conduct with others, you are setting yourself up to go deep in the game.”
Read the rest of Derrick’s first Big Brother 17 pre-season blog post over on BigBrotherNetwork.com. Be sure to sign up for your CBS All Access Pass for the Big Brother Live Feeds right now so you can watch Derrick’s exclusive live chat on Wednesday, June 10th!