Big Brother 16 Double Eviction Night Take Two! [VIDEO]

Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds tell us that the live double eviction show on Thursday night could get very juicy indeed. The Detonators are primed to turn on each other just as soon as that first eviction is out of the way. Right now the prime target seem to be Frankie or Christine, but it’s all about who wins the Head of Household Competition and Power of Veto.

Big Brother Double Eviction

We do so love our Big Brother Double Eviction weeks! The last time around this season we had tons of awesome drama with Hayden getting a nasty shove out the door. We’re hoping we will be seeing another guy smacked with more of the same tonight. We know at least one girl is going to Jury this evening, but we think it’s time to see another one of the guys get sent packing as well.

First up this evening we’ll have a live eviction vote, followed by a fast Head of Household Competition. Then the new HoH will have to immediately pick nominations, and we’ll race forward with the Power of Veto Competition, the PoV Ceremony, and on to another live eviction vote. After all of this madness, we’ll have another Head of Household Comp, but we likely will not get to see it play out on the CBS Big Brother 16 show.

We don’t know yet whether or not we will get to see the second HoH Comp on the Big Brother Live Feeds, but we’re hopeful that we will. Regardless, we’ll be sure to bring you the Big Brother spoilers on the results just as soon as we have them.

Join us tonight at 9PM ET for our live Big Brother recap of the second Double Eviction of the season and watch all the action with us!

Why wait to find out what happens on the Live Feeds? Subscribe now for less than the cost of a movie or a couple cups of coffee, and watch all the action for yourself!



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