Last night, Big Brother 16 Houseguest Victoria began to complain about pains in her jaw and teeth. The pains worsened overnight. Earlier today, Nicole called to Victoria through the bathroom door and asked if she was okay. Victoria said she was not and Nicole found her crumpled on the bathroom floor. She then rushed to the other Houseguests calling for help.

WARNING: The following information has not yet aired on Big Brother on CBS. Proceed at your own risk. The feeds immediately cut and went to fish. When they returned, Victoria was not to be found on the feeds. Derrick and Caleb spoke in the living room and Derrick said it may be a jaw infection, which would require a few days of hospitalization and potential self-eviction from the game. UPDATE: At 2:00 BBT, Victoria walked back into the house. She looked pretty rough and featured a wrap on her arm as if from an injection. She told Christine she had to receive an IV to combat dehydration. It appears that Victoria will indeed stay in the house despite her sudden disappearance to visit the doctors.
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