Earlier today, Donny informed Derrick of the latest Team America mission, if you can even call it that. It is clear that production is well over this failed attempt at a twist.

WARNING: The following information has not yet aired on Big Brother 16 on CBS. Proceed at your own risk of Big Brother spoilers.
Donny pulled Derrick into the storage room to inform him that for their next Team America mission, they must come up with their own mission and successfully execute it by the next Power of Veto ceremony. America will then vote on whether the mission is acceptable and successfully completed.
For all those wondering why we haven’t voted on a mission in a while, this is the reason.
Donny immediately suggested that pulling himself off the block could work as America clearly likes him by putting him on Team America in the first place.
The Big Brother fandom has not been kind to this twist overall as most of the missions are useless and inadvertently ended up causing more difficulties for America’s favorite player, Zach. Hopefully Team America can come up with something that finally validates their placement on it.
Stay with us as we bring you the latest on this imminent mission and all things Big Brother!