Who won Head of Household on Big Brother tonight and will have control over who goes up on the block this week? We have the Big Brother spoilers from the week 8 HoH Competition! We can’t wait to see how those nominations play out on the Big Brother Live Feeds after these results.

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 16 spoilers on alliances, strategy, competition results and more from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Please proceed at your own Big Brother 2014 spoilers risk!
Going into the Big Brother Head of Household Competition on Thursday night, the person who most needed to win was obviously Donny. With Zach now out of the way, The Detonators (+ Caleb) are out for Donny’s blood and they want him OUT. In particular, they want to backdoor him out to the Jury house so he doesn’t have a chance to play for the Power of Veto — which he is very good at winning.
The CBS Big Brother show ended before the Head of Household Competition began. So we had to wait to find out who won on the Big Brother Live Feeds. Or not. Apparently once again we got Big Brother After Dark going on while the Live Feeds were still down. Way to go CBS, thanks a lot. Give the free viewers stuff that the paid subscribers aren’t getting. Brilliant.
Well, whatever the source, we finally found out that the winner of the solo Head of Household Competition this week, and thus safe from eviction, was… believe it or not… Cody. Apparently Cody won over Donny by “less than a second” — which just hurts us.
So that pretty much means The Detonators will be going after Nicole and Donny as their targets to put on the block with the aim to get out one of them this week, and the other one next week.
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