Big Brother 18 fans rejoice. This coming Friday, August 19, CBS will be airing an additional episode of our favorite summer guilty pleasure. That’s four nights of Big Brother ‘friendship’ in one week.

This is the second time this season Big Brother has aired an extra episode. As you may recall, back on Friday, July 22nd, at the onset of week 5, an additional episode aired that helped to satisfy our Big Brother cravings. That episode featured Glenn Garcia, Jozea Flores, Victor Arroyo, Bronte D’Acquisto, and Tiffany Rousso in sudden death matches to win entrance back into the Big Brother house.
The Battle Back competition was won by Victor Arroyo, and he immediately rejoined the houseguests (HG) inside the Big Brother house. That competition and reentry back into the house has fared very well for Victor. He is the current Head of Household (HOH) and most likely just made one of the biggest moves in the house this season thus far.
Speculation about the episode has received some traction online. Most Big Brother fans believe a second Battle Back competition may be necessary if the Big Brother Airlines golden ticket is not used this week by the evicted HG.
The Big Brother Airlines ticket was randomly selected in the hidden Paris room by each HG right after Victor’s win in the Battle Back competition. The ticket could only be opened by Julie Chen upon eviction. If the HG held the golden round trip ticket, they won the ability to reenter the game immediately. At the time of ticket selection, there were 12 HGs with tickets giving each player a 1:12 chance of holding the golden round trip ticket.
Honestly, there is no way to tell exactly what CBS has in store for us this week with the extra Big Brother episode. CBS did announce at the onset of this season that with 99 days of HG confinement, this was the longest Big Brother season to date. As Julie reminds us frequently as Big Brother fans, “Expect the Unexpected”. Tune in Friday night, August 19 at 8 PM/7 PM CST.
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