The Big Brother 19 Live Feeds were down for the majority of the day. We had over 10 hours of footage not shown on the Live Feeds because of the Temptation Competition and the nomination ceremony. However, the few hours that we did have of Big Brother 19 feeds were glorious.
Yesterday, we mentioned that this Big Brother 19 week came down to who had more control over Josh Martinez: Paul Abrahamian or Christmas Abbott. Yesterday, we got our answer. It’s Christmas.
Josh Goes Off Script
In the morning, Christmas and Josh had another talk about targeting Elena Davies instead of Jessica Graf or Cody Nickson. However, both knew that it came down to the results of the Temptation Competition. Once feeds returned from that competition, it was revealed that Jessica and Cody’s plans went off without a hitch.
By a mere six seconds, Cody won this week’s Temptation Competition. Of course, many players weren’t happy about the outcome, but Paul insisted that Cody was never the target this week. Jessica (on purpose) came in last place, which made her an automatic nominee.
This also went along with Cody and Jessica’s plan, but also Josh’s plan a little. He always wanted to nominate Elena and Mark Jansen this week. After Cody won the Temptation Competition, Mark was worried that he might be the real target, but Elena had enough foresight to also be worried about her positioning in the Big Brother 19 game.
Before nominations, Paul and Josh talked. Paul tried to convince Josh that they needed Jessica out this week. He used the argument that Cody and Jessica would never vote for Josh if he made it to the final two.
Josh pretended to go along with Paul’s plan, but he told the viewers (via camera) that Elena needed to go. He planned to spend the week convincing Paul this fact.
Mark and Josh had a brief talk that Josh used to reassure him that Jessica was his target. Elena then had a discussion with Josh. He told her that she was also a pawn. Josh just wanted strong competitors on the block to beat Jessica (and possibly Cody) during the Power of Veto competition. Elena said it was fine but she didn’t believe his reasoning.
She argued that she did nothing to warrant the label strong competitor.
Nominations Fallout
Josh couldn’t help touching the fire. He used his nomination speech to throw insults at Cody and Jessica, which angered both of them. He tried to talk to them later to smooth things over, but neither wanted to talk to him. Josh insisted to Jessica that he wanted to talk to her alone to explain things and clear the air.
She was so angry that she refused to deal with Josh. However, she calmed down enough to shake hands with him. Elena also got upset during the nominations, and called out Josh and Paul. This angered Josh and a few other players.
In the Big Brother 19 Head of Household room, Paul’s minions gathered (without Paul) to discuss the fallout. Later, Alex Ow and Josh had a private discussion, and Jason Dent later joined.
Josh pitched to them the idea of keeping Jessica in the house this week and taking out Elena instead. Alex said that she would respect Josh’s wishes but she thought it was a mistake to let Jessica make jury. She talked about Jessica being very manipulative, and how Cody alone might vote for Josh as the winner, but he would never do it with Jessica around.
Kevin Puts a Plan in Action
Kevin Schlehuber (on separate occasions) suggested to Jason and Paul that they get Cody on their side once Jessica leaves. They could form a secret alliance with him, and then use him to get out players, specifically Matt Clines and Mark.
Paul wasn’t really open to that suggestion. He wants Cody sent to jury sooner rather than later. Jason didn’t really get to respond to Kevin’s suggestion, but he didn’t seem enthusiastic about the plan either. Despite Jason and Paul not biting, it’s a good idea for Kevin to pick up Cody and use him as long as he’s in the game and house.
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