Well we had another intense day in the Big Brother 19 house. One comment escalated into name calling, personal attacks, and altering information to create even more animosity. These Big Brother 19 houseguests can only have so many drama-free days. Yesterday wasn’t one of them; the actions of today seems to have sealed Jessica Graf’s Big Brother 19 fate.
Josh Martinez, Cody Nickson, and Jessica cannot seem to live in a world together. One of them has to say something, and then the other person has to say something worse, and then there is crying (usually from Josh). It’s really getting closer and closer to someone getting evicted for hitting Josh. Can peace ever exist with all these players in the Big Brother house?
We’ll soon find out.
The Long Con
Kevin Schlehuber and Paul talked about their dream scenario for the end game. It was more Paul imposing his wishes and Kevin agreeing with them. Paul tried to sell the ‘I can’t win because I’m a vet’ lie to Kevin. He seemed to buy it. They then talked about getting all the showmances out.
This would leave Christmas Abbott, Josh, Alex Ow, Jason Dent, and them as the final sIx players. Kevin clearly wants Cody to stay longer than the other showmance members but Paul was quick to dismiss that idea.
Later in the morning, Cody worked on getting Kevin, Jason, and Mark Jansen to vote out Raven Walton. Kevin and Jason gladly agreed to do it. However, when Jessica and Cody discussed it, Jessica dismissed the idea because she didn’t want to give Josh the satisfaction of getting the final say, and being the vote that got her out of the Big Brother 19 house.
It Started with Drought
The major fight between Cody, Josh, and Jessica started when Jessica tried to make fun of Josh by asking him to spell drought. He then asked her to spell evicted. It was over from there.
Jessica and Cody began yelling at him, throwing personal insults like calling him fat and an idiot. He said that he never said any personal attacks to them, and that they were going to feel really stupid when they watched the episode.
They disagreed. Josh later went off to cry in his Head of Household room. All Paul’s minions came to comfort him. However, none of them said anything to Jessica or Cody’s face. Paul started to encourage Josh to get the pots and pans again.
Meanwhile, Mark was fed up. He later talked to Paul about the situation. He didn’t think it was fair or as black and white as Paul and minions were making it seem. He said that Josh continued to provoke them, so of course they were going to eventually react.
No one side was in the right. Jason also had a similar discussion with Alex and Kevin: he said a similar thing about how Paul’s side gets Josh worked up to bully Cody and Jessica.
Josh eventually walks outside with the pots and pans, Cody gets up to go towards him (and then the feeds cut). Cody doesn’t hit Josh but it seems like he may have dared Josh to do something, because the feeds returned to all parties involved getting lectured. Josh has been forbidden to use pots and pans to provoke people.
You can read a full transcript of the fight from BBFeedster.
The Aftermath
The majority of the rest of the day revolved around the aftermath. Paul’s side continued to make it seem like Cody was the only one doing wrong. They even made up some of the things said to make it blow up even more. Cody and Jessica also ranted to each other about the events. They only saw Josh’s faults. Accountability isn’t a term known by these Big Brother 19 players.
Cody considered doing something to sacrifice his game for her game. He said he was trying to think of a way to save her, and have himself leave instead. Eventually, it seems like they settled back to him staying to create havoc and get revenge.
If Cody does decide to self-evict, it might not stop Jessica’s eviction, but it could give her his jury spot. We’ll have to see what Cody and Jessica ultimately decision. Most likely, he won’t self-evict.
Due to Cody’s behavior, Kevin and Jason have made the decision to not vote out Raven. Instead, they’ll vote with the majority and get out Jessica.
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