When you thought the house couldn’t get anymore divided, the Big Brother 19 houseguests have managed to draw a clear line in the sand. The house is now split firmly between the Jessica Graf and Cody Nickson camp or the Paul Abrahamian and his minions camp. Based on strictly numbers alone, Paul is winning this battle hands down.

The most noticeable change in the alliance deals and agreements this week has to be the fact that the “Outsiders” have been swallowed by Paul’s side of the house. Alex Ow and her clan, Jason Dent, Josh Martinez, and Kevin Schlehuber, are no longer outsiders in the Big Brother house. In fact, the “Outsiders” have completely merged with Paul and company to form a house divided against Jody and Marlena (Mark jansen and Elena Davies).
Mark has been smitten with Cody as soon as he won the Battle Back Showdown and returned to the game. Their browmance is alive and well. However, Mark’s showmance partner, Elena, has been warned to chose her allies carefully at this point in the Big Brother 19 game.
Paul spoke privately with Elena and made it very clear that her association with Mark was putting a target on her back for siding with Jessica and Cody. Elena has vowed to not let a showmance dictate her game. Time is ticking, and Elena needs to do some damage control before she is lumped into team Jody. Elena did tell Paul that he is the person she trusts most inside the Big Brother house. That relationship seems pretty solid, at least from Elena’s perspective.
Matt Clines and Raven Walton have been skating through the Big Brother 19 game by floating right down the middle. They have not clearly defined their allegiance to either side in the house, and this benefitted their games up until now. They are now clearly siding with Paul and the majority. This was made abundantly clear after Raven and Jessica’s spat yesterday, even though hugs were shared in the end.
Josh continues to try and irritate anyone he can inside the Big Brother house. He needs to be careful when following his marching orders from Paul as to not piss off the wrong person. He has come dangerously close to losing a tooth or two by the fists of Cody and Mark. Josh’s pot and pans circus act may land him in some really hot water if he’s not careful.
The divided house between Jody and Paul should continue for another week if all goes as expected. Jessica has been toying with the idea of using her Halting Hex to save herself and Cody from eviction this week. Now that Jason has been taken off the block, she has no other option to save both of them at this point. If she doesn’t use the hex, that could end up being the dumbest move ever in the history of Big Brother.
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