Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 77 Highlights: Level 6 Prepares to Blindside Scottie

Scottie Salton still doesn’t know that he’s the target this Big Brother 20 week. He still believes he’s the pawn and Haleigh Broucher is going home on Thursday. We’re in for another Big Brother blindside. Level 6 and JC Mounduix seem set on their decision to get him out of the game.

Big Brother 20 Scottie Salton

Scottie started his campaigning last night. He told JC that Faysal Shafaat and Haleigh threw him under the bus. They blamed him for Scottie going up on the block weeks ago. Of course, JC denied it. He said he couldn’t believe that Faysal would say such a thing. He told Scottie that he thought Faysal might have said it to protect Haleigh.

Both JC and Scottie agreed that working with Faysal was their worst game move thus far. Scottie also told Tyler Crispen that the jury members hate him, Brett Robinson, and Angela Rummans. If Haleigh makes it to the final two, she has three guaranteed votes (Faysal, Angie “Rockstar” Lantry, and Bayleigh Dayton) already. Scottie said that he felt Bayleigh would be reasonable, but Rockstar would act on emotions when deciding her vote.

Big Brother 20 JC Mounduix

Angela and Brett also talked about the jury house. They were worried about finally going there. Angela said she would need security from Rockstar. Brett said that he would make Rockstar cry by really telling her what he thinks of her, but then he said he wouldn’t bother with addressing her.

Brett and Angela also discussed who they would take out first: JC or Sam Bledsoe. Angela said Sam because of her vendetta against her, but then said JC manipulates people. Brett said that JC wasn’t really a threat because he can’t win competitions. The houseguests were also generally annoyed by Sam’s behavior.

Big Brother 20 Sam BledsoeDespite Scottie campaigning, they planned to stick to their decision to vote him out. They were excited about another blindside.

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