Who was evicted on Big Brother tonight in week two? Well, we’d like to tell you there was some kind of amazing last minute surprise. However, the real truth is that we saw these Big Brother eviction results coming for days. Normally we kind of hate predictable live eviction outcomes, but in this case we didn’t really mind.

We always like a little unpredictability when it comes to live evictions because it keeps things exciting. However, when it comes down to a choice between a contestant who is fun and entertaining to watch, and one who bores us silly — we don’t mind knowing in advance the lame one is about to get the boot. That was pretty much the case when it came to the Big Brother spoilers for the week 2 eviction. Although we don’t like some of the things Zach has said about women, and some of the female Houseguests in particular, you have to admit he is a riot to watch sometimes. Although he sleeps way too much, Zach has given us quite a few highly entertaining moments on the Big Brother Live Feeds. Plus, of course, there is that whole Zankie bromance/showmance thing we can’t get enough of. On the other hand, while we don’t really dislike Paola, we find her very tepid and flat to watch on the Live Feeds and the CBS show. She seems to have quite the vibrant personality in real life according to everything we saw about her pre-season. In the house, however, she is mostly a small little mouse that rarely does or says anything noteworthy. Except for, perhaps, that she is absolutely terrible at competitions.
Paola’s major starring moment so far has been believing Devin would save her from the block if she threw the Battle of the Block Competition. The funny thing about that being that we think there was very little chance she would have won it regardless. When her duplicity was discovered, Paola only made things look worse, and herself seem really lame, when she so staunchly denied she would ever do such a thing as throw a competition.
So, we weren’t all that bothered by the fact that we knew Paola would be the one who went home on Big Brother tonight several days ago. Actually, it was rather a relief as the votes to keep Zach over Paola just kept stacking up. We would like Zach to watch his mouth and maybe get an attitude adjustment, but at least we don’t have to ever hear Paola do that incredibly obnoxious laugh again… or steal Zach away from Frankie!
Big Brother 16 Live Eviction Votes:
- Jocasta votes to evict Zach (and gives shoutouts to her family)
- Brittany votes to evict Paola
- Derrick votes to evict Paola
- Donny votes to evict Zach
- Caleb (sadly) votes to evict Paola
- Amber (sadly) votes to evict (my girl) Paola
- Hayden votes to evict DJ Paola Shae!
- Cody votes to evict Paola
- Frankie votes to evict DJ Paola Shae (and tells Julie she is looking fierce)
- Nicole votes to evict Paola
- Christine votes to evict Paola
- Victoria votes to evict (the crazy) Paola
That’s it. With a vote of 10 to 2, Zach is safe and Paola has been evicted.