Big Brother 2014 Spoilers: Week 5 Nominations Revealed!

We have had a crazy night in the Big Brother 2014 house and it is now Friday and that means Nomination Day on Big Brother 16! So, who are the nominees for Week 5 on Big Brother 16? The nominees were revealed on the Live Feeds and we have those Big Brother 2014 spoilers for you below!

Big Brother Live Feeds (CBS)
Big Brother Live Feeds (CBS)

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. You have been warned! Proceed are your own risk.

The main issue of the day: what would Zach do with his nominees? Frankie seemed set on putting up Jocasta and Victoria to start the night and then Zach would put up Amber and the other nominee was up in the air. He went all over the place. They wanted to keep Zach as the HoH for the week and backdoor Caleb, but as the night went on Frankie decided that might not be a good plan and Zach is a loose cannon and could blow the plan to backdoor Caleb!

To be honest, my head hurts from everything that went down on the Big Brother Live Feeds last night and now we have the nominees for Week 5. Frankie nominated Victoria and Jocasta. Zach nominated Nicole and Christine and he also brought some major fireworks during the ceremony, so I think Team America accomplished their second mission!

Now we wait for the Battle of the Block competition later today and hope that Jocasta and Victoria win and we have Zach as HoH all week, otherwise he could be a backdoor victim!

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About Todd Betzold 23 Articles
I graduated from Central Michigan University with a Bachelors of Science in Journalism and Broadcasting with hopes of having my own radio talk dreams can still come true! I love anything and everything about reality television (well, except the Kardsahians, but I don't think I am alone on that one). Who isn't excited for BB16, right?!?!? Keep up with me on Twitter at @TopicalTodd and Google+.