It looks like the Photo Booth was opened up for the HouseGuests on Big Brother 2014 again and it was time for them to work their stuff for the cameras. As the weeks go on, you will notice that some of them have no problem working it for the came (we are looking at you Frankie Grande) and then other weeks on Big Brother 16, we don’t even see some of them (we are looking at you Nicole and Brittany). Either way, check out the Week 4 fun below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

I can get on board with Nicole not being in the photos because last week she was in the frog costume and they couldn’t let us see that because she “disappeared” on the last known episode shown on CBS that week. And this week she lost in the Veto Competition and has to wear a “German-tard” costume all week! So, why do other HGs never seem to be in these photos? Are they too busy???? It is a time to let loose on Big Brother 16 and they should go with it and have some fun!
Check out this week’s gallery of Big Brother 16 cast photos and tell us who has your favorite Houseguest pic!
(Click the thumbnails for bigger versions or to scroll through)
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