Can you believe it’s only week 2 of Big Brother 17? With all of the drama and insanity going on inside the Big Brother 2015 house, it feels like we’ve been watching for months already. Amazingly enough, however, we haven’t even gotten to the second eviction of the season yet!

On CBS Big Brother tonight, we’ll have the second Power of Veto Competition to determine who will capture the all important PoV this week. Even though John McGuire was put up as a pawn, he still wants to win because he knows that pawns often turn into targets. For Da’Vonne Rogers, winning the PoV is absolutely vital because the majority of the house is currently planning on voting her out.
As for what other drama we’ll see portrayed on the CBS Big Brother 17 show tonight, it’s hard to know. There has been SO much going on in the house this past week that we would hate to be the ones making those decisions. No matter what they choose to show, and what they choose to cut, CBS viewers without the Live Feeds are only going to get to see a tiny bit of the craziness that’s been going on inside the house.
Big Brother Live Feeds already know who walked away with the Power of Veto and which two Houseguests are the final eviction nominees. Plus it’s just been a total blast to watch what has been the most entertaining first two weeks we’ve had on the Live Feeds in years.
If you can’t wait until tonight’s show to find out who won the Power of Veto and who the final eviction nominees are, you can get all that info on our Big Brother spoilers page.
Be sure to catch us on Twitter for the latest Live Feeds updates all day and all night!
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