Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Week 5 Eviction Nominations

After a long night of discussions back and forth between the two Heads of Households and their allies, the Big Brother spoilers for this week’s eviction nominations are out. While we are kind of bored with the HoHs working together yet again, we are somewhat pleased they are banding together to take out a significant target this week. Although, we aren’t sure it’s really the right one.

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!

This is the last week that the other Houseguests have to prevent Julia from ending up in the game by evicting Liz. Since pretty much everyone, including the two HoHs now know for certain about the twins, one would think they would care. After all, letting Julia into the mix means one more person in the way of earning half a million dollars. Plus, it could mean two votes instead of one at the end against somebody if they don’t get one of them out before Jury.

Honestly, we’d worry about taking out the twins now, and working on the other targets later. Especially since the two HoHs together have pretty much complete control over the entire house. They could target anyone. And the person they’ve chosen? Austin.

Sure, Austin is a threat. He’s trying to go around convincing everyone that he has their back and it’s due to them that he is protected. Especially Liz and Julia. Problem is, Julia hates him even though his sister is canoodling with him. Even so, they could make up a powerful trio if Julia decides to hook up with Austin and her sister as a voting block. Because, well, they are twins.

However, it’s obvious now that Austin doesn’t truly have anyone else he can trust in the house, now that he’s gone and betrayed Vanessa by making moves behind her back and then lying to her face about it. So is he really THAT much of a threat anymore? Why not kill two birds with one stone, so to speak, and get the twins out this week instead?

Big Brother Live Feeds July 24 2015 (16)

But no, that’s not the plan. Instead, Vanessa has nominated Becky and Clay, neither of which are real targets. Jackie has nominated Liz/Julia and James. They are supposed to throw the Battle of the Block, or at least James is, so that they stay on the block. Then the plan is for whomever wins the Veto to rescue James from the block and put Austin up as a backdoor in his place.

If Liz/Julia wins the Veto, then they put up Austin against James, and same result. And if somehow Becky and Clay still lose the Battle of the Block… well, things might get interesting. Since Shelli and Clay are tight with Vanessa, the plan would probably be to fall back on somehow getting Clay off the block and putting up Austin against Becky. And if ALL else fails, just evict Becky, right?

So there you go, this week’s nominations and crazy plans. Now we just have to wait and see what happens at the Battle of the Block and the Veto Competition to see if they actually pan out.

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