Gr8Ful remains in control of the Big Brother 21 house as Nick Maccarone won the Head of Household competition this week. Nick nominated Cliff Hogg III and Jessica Milagros to the block for eviction. Poor Jessica seems to be a permanent target after being banished her first week and nominated to the block the following two weeks.
Cliff hasn’t had a much easier stay in the Big Brother 21 house. He was banished the first week and then nominated to the block. He managed to escape turmoil during week two, but he is back on the block in week three. Can either Cliff or Jessica finally catch a break and win the golden Power of Veto tonight, or do either have the ability to convince a Big Brother houseguest to use the power to save them from the block?
Week Three Block Nomination Fallout
Right before the nomination ceremony, Nicole Anthony approached Nick with some important information. She told him that four members of his alliance, including Jack Matthews, Jackson Michie, Holly Allen, and Analyse Talavera, were planning on targeting them for eviction had they won HOH. They felt as though Nick and his showmance partner, Isabella Wang, were bullies and needed to go sooner than later.
Isabella and Nick confronted Gr8ful, and they were able to turn the tables and blame Nicole to take the heat off of their own backs. Isabella now feels as though Nicole is the devil and conned her. Now Gr8ful believes Nicole cast the rogue vote during Kemi’s eviction last week, and she is the target for eviction via backdoor.
In all the drama and chaos that ensued, Bella accused Nicole of calling her and Nick a bully. Meanwhile, Bella has exhibited the same “bully” type behavior towards Nicole. She was very upset of how she was treated by Bella that she finally exploded and told Bella exactly what she thought of her Big Brother game play. Nicole told Bella that it was her manipulating, twisting, lying in the Big Brother house. Nicole picked the wrong time to go after Bella when her showmance is holding the HOH key.
After the dust settled, the group of nine, Gr8ful plus Sam Smith, decided to make the crew official. The alliance name they landed upon was Und9able. All the while, Sam knows about Gr8ful and not being included in that group of eight.
Week Three Power of Veto Competition
Names were drawn for the POV competition. Jackson, Kathryn Dunn, and Christie Murphy will compete with HOH Nick and block nominees Cliff and Jessica in the POV competition.
Kaitlyn Herman from Big Brother 20 has returned to host the POV competition, called the Haunting of Kaitlyn Herman. The houseguests must race against one another to gather puzzle pieces of Kaitlyn through the dark forest. The first houseguest to accurately put together the puzzle of Kaitlyn’s nightmare wins the golden POV. Ironically, the puzzle pieces are the same ones Kaitlyn used when she failed to put together the puzzle of herself in Big Brother 20, which ultimately cost her the game.
Kathryn smoked the competition and easily won the POV. She won by a mile over the other houseguests. Now she must decide if she will use the power to take either Cliff or Jessica off the block. If she does, Nick will then be able to nominate Nicole to the block for a backdoor eviction.
Week Three Power of Veto Ceremony
At the POV ceremony, Kat decided to use the power and take Jess off the block. As predicted, Nick nominated Nicole to the block as the replacement nominee. Now, either Nicole or Cliff will be evicted tomorrow evening during the Big Brother 21 live eviction episode.
Join us again tomorrow evening, July 18th 9 PM EST/ 8 PM CST, for the live eviction. Plus, the Camp Comeback residents will battle against one another. One houseguest will come back into the game while the remaining three will be evicted from the house forever.
It’s Big Brother 21 season, so keep it here all summer for news, recaps, exclusives, spoilers and much more. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!