Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Spoilers Day 66: Big Brother Unleashes the Prankster

Big Brother unleashed the Prankster on the houseguests. First, they were informed that the Prankster would get to make one nomination and Head of Household Holly Allen would get to make the other. The Prankster also got to name the replacement nominee if his nomination came off the block after the Power of Veto Competition.

Throughout most of the day, Holly had her one on ones with the houseguests. The one on ones didn’t really do much, because Holly had razor focus on nominating her biggest game rival, Nick Maccarone. She just had to make sure that the Prankster didn’t mess up her plans.

The night before, Holly told Christie Murphy that she might go up as a pawn, and Holly wasn’t happy with her reaction. According to Holly, part of the deal they made to keep Christie involved them being able to use her anyway necessary, including as a pawn.

Holly and Jackson Michie tried to instigate conflict between Christie and Nick to ensure that Christie received some of the blame for Holly’s decision to nominate Nick. They did get Nick and Christie to talk about what was said, but there wasn’t much of a fight as there was explaining their side of things. However, this conflict may have helped Nick decide to nominate Christie, because he was trying to figure out his best option earlier in the day.

He discussed his options with Nicole Anthony without coming out as the Prankster. After nominations, he asked her who she thought he had the best chance of staying up against. He thought Jackson might be his best option if Christie came down. Nicole suggested that he might be able to beat Tommy Bracco , because people might see this as an opportunity to get him out. Nick wasn’t sure about that, but he hoped he’d have Nicole and Cliff Hogg III’s votes regardless of who he sat on the block next to.

Meanwhile, Jackson and Holly were convinced that Nicole was the Prankster, and Big Brother brought in the smaller table to signify the final eight houseguests.

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