Tonight, either Memphis Garrett or Christmas Abbott will leave the Big Brother 22 house. The great thing about this week is that both players believe that they’re going to stay, so either way, we’re guaranteed a blindside. Nicole Franzel wants Memphis out of the game, but Cody Calafiore and Enzo Palumbo control the votes. They could easily flip and vote out Christmas.

Last night, there was some debate if they were making the right decision by taking out Memphis. There was even some discussion about splitting the votes between Cody and Enzo, allowing Nicole to break the tie and get the blood on her hands.
We still have a few hours before tonight’s live eviction, so things could easily change, but as of now, Memphis is the most likely heading out the Big Brother: All Stars game. To add some excitement to tonight, they don’t want to warn Memphis ahead of the eviction about him being voted out. If they stay true to this plan, Memphis will go out the door having no clue he was going. This could lead to some exciting reaction from Memphis and we can’t wait to see it.
I expect a 2-0 in favor of Memphis leaving the game. If the votes split 1-1 with Nicole still voting out Memphis.
Who do you think will leave the Big Brother 22 house tonight?
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