Big Brother has been playing out for about a week and has been a whirlwind. Angela and Matt are at the head of this storm. They have been clashing even before Angela took power as Head of Household (as seen on Sunday’s episode). They talked it out, but that didn’t stop Angela from wanting him to see the Block.
On Saturday, Lisa won the Power of Veto. This meant that should would come off the Block and Angela would need to find a replacement nominee.
There was a brief moment when she almost pawned T’Kor instead of putting up Matt as her target. Then Matt suggested Tucker as a pawn. A few players, including Tucker, told Angela that she should just nominate Matt and people would support the decision. It turns out Angela just needed some encouragement.
She’s been set to nominate Matt ever since last night. She confirmed this morning that this was still the plan. However, she has kept Matt and his allies in the dark about her plan. In fact, Tuker has been letting Matt believe that he volunteered to go up on the Block as a pawn. Matt is being set up for a complete blindside. However, there could be a wrench thrown into Angela’s plan…well two wrenches.
The first is that Matt’s close ally Makensy has the power to remove Matt from the block and allow America to pick his replacement. The other issue is that there will be a competition during eviction night that may allow Matt to win safety.
Logically, Makensy should try to save her power until she needs it or until the final week. She has four weeks that she can use it. But, she may want to keep Matt just to ensure she has at least one loyal ally in the game.
So did Angela stick to her plan to nominate Matt as Lisa’s replacement?
- Lisa removed herself from the Block. Angela named Matt as her replacement.
Now Matt, Kenney, and Kimo remain on the block to battle it out during the live eviction on Thursday. There is also still a possibility that Makensy saves Matt on Thursday.

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