Breast Cancer Awareness month happens every October. This year various Big Brother alumni showed their support for it in a multitude of ways. One way was by wearing C4 belts.

These unique accessories are available in various colors, patterns, and designs. The belts retail for about $32 plus shipping. A part of the proceeds for each purchased belt goes towards various causes (e.g. Stand Up For The Cure, Boys & Girls Club of America, and Best Friends Animal Society).
For the month of October, C4 along with Stand Up For The Cure launched a #care4boobies campaign. The #care4boobies campaign promoted breast cancer awareness. For every belt purchased, buyers could enter the code CARE4BOOBIES to receive a $5 discount. C4 also donated $5 to Stand Up For The Cure for each purchase.
Every C4 belt order also included a pamphlet about breast cancer and a shower card that shows how to conduct a breast self-exam.
Supporters were also encouraged to post selfies on social media and tag @c4belts with the hashtag #care4boobies. These selfies earned StandUp For The Cure additional $5 donations from C4. Buyers were also invited to post one of the ten unique facts about breast cancer provided by C4 with their order.
Some of the Big Brother alumni who chose to participate in this campaign were Big Brother 16 winner Derrick Levasseur, runner-up Cody Calafiore, and fan favorite Nicole Franzel. Many Big Brother 15 alumni also participated, such as GinaMarie Zimmerman and Amanda Zuckerman.
Check out the Big Brother alumni selfies they posted on Instagram and Twitter below. Also if you want to purchase a C4 belt, you can click the link here.
In 2014, an estimated 22,000 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer. @c4belts #care4boobies A photo posted by @spencerbb15clawson on
Shop @C4Belts using code CARE4BOOBIES and they’ll donate $5 to @StandUp4TheCure #Care4Boobies — Judd Daugherty (@JUDDNATION) October 30, 2014
Reppin my amazing belt by @c4belts #care4boobies thank y’all so much . U know I love my pink … @standupforthecure #breastcancermonth #pink #pinkribbon #bb15 C4 belt campaign is an effort to promote breast cancer education and awareness during October’s Breast Cancer Month please… help and donate . Every $125 they raise may save a life by enabling a mammogram . Thank you Shoutout to @crazewatches . My pink watch and my amazing Phone case by @jazzys_creations . A photo posted by OFFICIAL GinaMarie Zimmerman \uc0\u10004 (@ginamariez) on
Love these @C4Belts! Have you heard about their campaign #Care4boobies to educate and raise money to battle Breast Cancer? Use code CARE4BOOBIES during checkout at to receive $5 off your purchase, and donate $5 to C4’s Breast Cancer partner @StandupfortheCure! Plus, post a picture of you holding or wearing your new C4 Belt and tag @c4belts and #Care4boobies, and C4 will donate an additional $5 to the cause. A photo posted by Caleb Reynolds (@bmc_bb16) on
It is crazy to know that breast cancer is the second leading cause of death amongst women. #SpreadAwareness Thanks @C4Belts for the pink belt to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month #Care4boobies A photo posted by codycalafiore (@codycalafiore) on
#Care4boobies A photo posted by Amanda Zuckerman (@amanda_zuckerman) on
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, @C4Belts is launching the campaign #Care4boobies to educate and raise money to battle Breast Cancer! Use code CARE4BOOBIES during checkout at to receive $5 off your purchase, and donate $5 to C4’s Breast Cancer partner @StandupfortheCure! A photo posted by Derrick Levasseur (@derrick_levasseurbb16) on
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, C4 Belts is launching the campaign #Care4boobies to educate and raise money to battle Breast Cancer! Use code CARE4BOOBIES during checkout at to receive $5 off your purchase, and donate $5 to C4’s Breast Cancer partner @StandupfortheCure! Plus, post a picture of you holding or wearing your new C4 Belt and tag @c4belts and #Care4boobies, and C4 will donate an additional $5 to the cause. @c4belts #care4boobies #mamaj A photo posted by Jocasta Odom Ma Ma J (@jocasta_odom) on
Sportin’ my pink belt today in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month\uc0\u55357 \u56471 . @C4Belts is launching the campaign #Care4boobies to educate and raise money to battle Breast Cancer! A photo posted by Nicole Franzel (@coconuts_) on
Proudly rockin’ my @c4belt in support of #care4boobies campaign!
— Princess Victoria™ (@VictoriaRPhoto) October 25, 2014