Tonight on Big Brother 12, either Brendon or Rachel will be sent off to the Jury House. Most of the drama and game play happening in the house, however, doesn’t make it to the CBS shows. To really find out what is happening in the Big Brother house, you have to dive down deep into the Big Brother 12 Live Feeds.

It would be impossible to bring you all of the fabulousness from the Live Feeds in a simple recap. We do our best, however, to bring you some of the dramatic highlights and interesting game play moments you might otherwise miss. On the Live Feeds on Wednesday, most of the concern of the Houseguests was geared toward the upcoming Head of Household competition tonight. There was a ton of speculation over whether the contest would be a skill test or if there might be a double elimination.
There was, of course, still plenty of Rachel and Brendon drama going on over their nominations for elimination as well.
Starting off the day, Brendon and Rachel are off in the kitchen making coffee and breakfast. Everyone avoids them as they get up and head outside. Kathy, Enzo and Britney end up on the couches chatting.

Matt and Ragan are up in the Head of Household room together again. Matt speculates about a possible double eviction because the Big Brother powers-that-be are setting something up. Ragan shares on how much he likes Britney. Matt pretty much accuses Rachel of going through his stuff because his “hoodie” was in a different position in his suitcase after Rachel used the HOH bathroom. Ragan hopes anyone but Brendon will win the HOH Competition. Britney joins Matt and Ragan, wishing Brendon would have an accident with bacon grease and get blinded. Nasty Britney!
Ragan and Matt continue discuss the upcoming elimination. Ragan is really hoping for a double eviction so they can get Rachel and Brendon both out. Ragan is called off to the Diary Room. Rachel moves on to working out, Brendon jobs around the backyard. Kathy smokes, Britney sleeps.
Rachel bores everyone with her Vegas tales once again, trying to make herself look cool. She just sounds more and more like a sleazy escort. Sitting in a case of Jello in a bikini handing out shots? I mean, seriously Rachel, how much more slutty can you make yourself look?

Our favorite line of the day comes from Ragan, who says Brendon and Rachel’s love is as real as her boobs. ROFL. We also love Britney and Ragan running around the house hiding and messing with things. They are rather damn cute giggling over their pranks. Good for Ragan too, because all that stuff could totally confuse people about the whole Saboteur thing – especially Britney!
Later, Britney comes out of the Diary Room crying. She and Ragan hug in the bathroom, Ragan tells her that was “exactly what you needed.” Kind of mysterious…
Enzo thinks his fans will adore him if he manages to get Brendon out. So far Enzo is a whole lot of talk but not much in the way of action. Later on, Matt accuses Rachel of going through his stuff again while he is talking to Britney. He says he thinks Rachel is trying to find out if he won something from Pandora’s Box he didn’t tell the other Houseguests about. (He did, of course, the Diamond Power of Veto.)
A new Saboteur message appears around 3:40 BBT (Big Brother time). The video message says “True Love Conquers All” – could this mean we might have to endure more weeks of Brendon and Rachel? Please say no!!! Rachel and Brendon are thrilled because they think maybe they will both get to stay in the house somehow.
Around 6:00 BBT the Houseguests enjoy a party celebrating the halfway point in the season. Unfortunately, the party is blacked out on the feeds and we don’t get to see what happens.

After the feeds come back up, Ragan is alone in the Head of Household room and says the Saboteur message was a total lie. Yeah!
Later, the Brigade alliance meets up and hashes out a plan if one of them wins Head of Household. Hayden thinks they should put up Ragan and Britney with a Brendon backdoor.
The Live Feeds for the night close out with our least favorite Big Brother view – Brendon and Rachel making out. Eewwwww.
This is only the tip of the iceberg of what happens in the Big Brother house. If you want to get in on the action 24/7, check out a 3-Day Free Trial of the Live Feeds here!