We are down to the wire with Big Brother: Over the Top. There are only two weeks of action left in the house and only six houseguests remaining after last week’s double eviction episode. Following this evening’s episode, there will be four HGs left in the game, and very soon, America will be casting the final vote crowning the winner of the Big Brother season for the first time ever in the history of the show.

Before we get ahead of ourselves, tonight, Jason and Danielle are sitting on the block for eviction. Both have been strong, solid players, but one of them will be leaving the Big Brother house tonight.
Tonight’s episode will include the recap of this past week’s events including the HOH competition, the Safety ceremonies, and the POV competition and ceremony. Following the recap, this week’s live eviction ceremony will follow. Once the next HG has been evicted, the HOH competition will be shown live.
This will be the second week in a row that CBS has aired the weekly recap show followed by the live eviction and HOH competition at 8 PM ET rather than the previous air time of 10 PM ET. CBS has announced that for the remainder of the season, the recap show will air at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT.
Morgan admits how horrible she feels that her sister was evicted and Big Brother was always her dream. Morgan also feels like it’s her and Shelby against the world at this point.
The next HOH competition has begun called, It’s Time to Reflect. This is a laser puzzle, and the HG to complete the challenge in the fastest time will will the challenge and the next HOH crown. Each HG takes a turn at adjusting mirrors to reflect four different mirrors to the final target. The correct answer for the puzzle is shown below.
After a glitch with the game, Shelby and Jason must compete again to determine which of those two HGs will be the next HOH. The competition was held the following evening. There was a new challenge but with the same equipment used in the previous challenge. After Jason and Shelby both get a second opportunity to complete the challenge, Shelby wins by over 5 minutes.
Kryssie and Justin are the first two HGs saved by Shelby from the block and eviction this week. Morgan has not yet been nominated for safety by Shelby which certainly should occur at the next safety ceremony. That will leave Jason and Danielle on the block for eviction, but this is Big Brother and anything can happen. We also still are waiting to see which HG America will be nominating to the block for eviction.
At the next safety ceremony, Shelby does save Morgan from eviction leaving Danielle and Jason on the block for eviction…plus America’s nominee.
Shelby stirs up some drama in the house by revealing to Justin that Jason threw him under the bus earlier in the week. She told Justin that Jason came to her and tried to get her to nominate Justin to the block eviction rather than him. Justin was quite surprised that Jason would stab in the back like that.
America’s nominee for eviction this week is Morgan. With only six HGs left int he game, all of the remaining HGs will play in the POV competition.
The POV competition this week will be played with large dominos and path must be made with the dominos. The kicker is that the path must go through the stations of correct answers to questions based on previous competitions in the game. The player with the fastest time of setting up the dominos with all of them falling properly from the start to finish line AND with choosing the proper path based on the correct answers to the game questions will win the POV.
After all of the HGs finish the competition, Shelby has won again. She now has the POV and will most likely use it to take Morgan off the block leaving Danielle and Jason on the block for eviction this week.
Morgan approaches Kryssie to talk game. In order to gain her trust, Morgan reveals to Kryssie that Alex was her sister. As a result, Morgan wants Jason out of the house next week after Danielle is evicted this week. Morgan says she wants Jason goes next week because he was the HG that evicted her sister. Kryssie confesses in the DR that she can see right through Morgan and her lies….and doesn’t believe anything Morgan is saying to her.
At the POV ceremony, Shelby does use the POV and saves Morgan from the block for eviction as expected.
The live eviction ceremony has begun…
- Justin votes to evict Danielle
- Kryssie votes to evict Danielle
- Morgan votes to evict Danielle
By a vote of 4-0, Danielle has been evicted from the Big Brother house.
Be sure to check out our other posts for information about the HOH competition to be held next.
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