We got all excited about Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds when Cody started talking about making a possibly risky but bold and awesome game move this week. Instead of just going along with the boring and predictable plan of getting out Donny, Cody had the bright idea to go after a much bigger and more dangerous target! And then Derrick just sh*t over the whole parade.

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 16 spoilers on alliances, strategy, competition results and more from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Please proceed at your own Big Brother 2014 spoilers risk!
After fans yelled into the backyard this weekend that Frankie is the Saboteur (close enough to the truth, we think), Cody put in some deep thought about his previous idea to put the Broadway boy on the block. Once again, however, Derrick the master manipulator managed to squash that idea and put Cody back in line.
Last Friday after winning Head of Household, Cody had talked to Derrick about going after Frankie this week. Derrick convinced him now was not the time to take that kind of action. After the fans yelling into the backyard about Frankie being a Saboteur, and how Christine and Frankie can’t be trusted, Cody started thinking again that Donny might not be his best target this week.
Cody told Derrick he was thinking about putting up Frankie as the replacement nominee and then getting him sent to Jury on Thursday. Derrick immediately jumped all over the idea again and convinced Cody this was a bad idea. Even though Derrick’s reasoning why it would be better to have Frankie and Christine in the house rather than Donny and Nicole seems pretty faulty to us, Cody takes the bait.
Like a good little pawn boy, Cody bowed to Derrick’s wishes and when the Veto Meeting rolled around, did nothing. He let the chance to use the Veto and put up Frankie as a renom slip away, leaving the nominations the same and Donny as the target for eviction this week.