Some huge Big Brother spoilers coming in from the Live Feeds just hours before the live eviction on Thursday night! Could a shocking vote flip plan potentially have major repercussions for the remaining Big Brother 2014 cast? This is why we love this crazy show!

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 16 spoilers on alliances, strategy, competition results and more from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Please proceed at your own Big Brother 2014 spoilers risk!
There was a lot of talk last night on the Big Brother Live Feeds about whether or not the guys should possibly switch their eviction target this week from Donny to Nicole. Frankie was adamant that Nicole was more dangerous. Derrick was lukewarm on the idea, especially since he pushed Donny as the target to begin with. Caleb would pretty much do whatever, but he does like Donny and would go with keeping him.
Cody, however, was not about to budge. Derrick convinced him earlier in the week that Donny needed to go, so now Cody was firmly behind that happening.
Then, something changed this morning as Caleb and Frankie continued to talk to Cody about the eviction. Caleb had also come to the decision he would really rather Donny stay than Nicole. So he and Frankie basically started badgering Cody to death about it — and pretty much ignoring what Derrick thought about it entirely! In the end, Cody actually ends up getting on board with the idea of making a deal with Donny to go after the girls the next few weeks and make it an all guys final five. Meanwhile, Derrick b*tched at Nicole that he was being entirely left out of whatever was going on.
In fact, Derrick sat out most of the discussions going on entirely, hanging out with Nicole and basically telling her that the house was turning on her, including her buddy Cody. Oops, looks like Derrick might be losing his grip on the house a bit… But then wait, Derrick finally gets involved and he tells Cody that he will NOT vote Nicole out, no matter what.
So the big alliance gathers up in the Hive room to talk it out and Derrick is once more absolutely on the Donny must go train. So finally, after all that talk and drama… it looks like everyone has gone right back to the original plan to vote out Donny tonight. Sigh.
Oh well, we really had hope there for a while that something fun and dramatic was about to happen. Maybe during the few hours the Live Feeds are down before the show, something still might take place to flip the vote for good.
We can only hope that if not, Nicole will win the Head of Household tonight and make a big, bold move to get out one of the guys this week. Problem is, now she knows Cody was about to flip to vote her out by making a deal with Donny to go after the girls… so it might just end up being Cody’s head that rolls, and not Frankie’s or Derrick’s. Which would be a bad move on Nicole’s part.