Big Brother Spoilers: Week 2 Eviction Nominations! 7/4/2014

Normally we like to bring you Big Brother spoilers the second they happen on the Live Feeds. Except when producers decide things like eviction nominations are going to happen at two in the morning! Yes, we admit it,we do occasionally sleep! So we are a little behind getting these up today, but here you go!

Big Brother Live Feeds (CBS)
Big Brother Live Feeds (CBS)

Yes, apparently production decided to push the two new Heads of Household, Amber and Devin, to make their eviction nominations in the wee hours of the morning after midnight. The Big Brother Live Feeds went to fish a little while after midnight and returned just after 2AM BBT. When they came back, we quickly learned who Amber and Devin had decided to put up on the block.

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 16 spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. You have been warned!

Despite it being against the rules to do so, Devin made his nominations abundantly clear before the Live Feeds cut out for the ceremony by going around and pretty much telling everyone repeatedly who they were going to be. Including the people he was going to nominate. We think he deserves a big, fat penalty nomination for that, but apparently CBS doesn’t agree.

We also pretty much knew who Amber was going to nominate based on her discussions with fellow Bomb Squad members, but at least she played by the rules and didn’t go shouting them around the house in advance.

After the Live Feeds came back up after being off for the Nomination Ceremony, we learned the Big Brother spoilers for the eviction nominees were:

  • Devin nominated Brittany and Paola
  • Amber nominated Hayden and Nicole

Brittany has been deemed the current target for eviction this week by The Bomb Squad, who still have the numbers behind them to make it happen easily unless the alliance changes its mind or implodes. Paola has already offered to throw the Battle of the Block comp so Brittany will be evicted.

Of course, we still also have the Battle of the Block to get through. If Devin should somehow get knocked out as Head of Household, his alliance may well turn on him and attempt to get him on the block for eviction this week.

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