The Big Brother spoilers are flying out of the house this morning! Production obviously wants to get everything out of the way they can before the Holiday weekend kicks off so they can leave the peons in charge and go play. Thus, we had not only the week 2 Nomination Ceremony in the wee hours of the morning, but the Battle of the Block Competition as well.

So, basically, one of the new Heads of Household didn’t even get to enjoy one entire night through of being an HoH and spent pretty much all of it awake. Instead of sleeping in their comfy HoH bed. That has to kind of suck. Although we are glad they did at least get their HoH basket and goodies to enjoy. It’s something at least.
WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 16 spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. You have been warned!
In case you missed the earlier spoilers, here is how the nominations shook out for week two:
- Devin nominated Brittany and Paola
- Amber nominated Hayden and Nicole
Devin made it pretty clear all around before the Nominations Ceremony who he was putting up, and who his real target is: Brittany. He also talked with Paola and had her vow to throw the Battle of the Block Competition so that their team would lose and Devin would stay in power. This would hopefully ensure that his target this week would indeed get evicted, unless something happened at the Power of Veto Competition to throw a wrench into the works.
The Big Brother Live Feeds cut out just before 5AM this morning for the Battle of the Block. When they returned, it was quickly obvious that Devin’s plan had worked. His nominees lost the competition, which left him in power and Brittany and Paola still on the block.
All of this, of course, didn’t actually make some of the members of The Bomb Squad. They are getting sick of Devin and were pretty much ready to try and backdoor him this week if they could. Now they will have to play nice with him for at least one more week.
As of now, Brittany is the main target for eviction and as long as The Bomb Squad sticks together to get her out, she’s primed for eviction next Thursday. She’d better be working really hard to kill it at the Power of Veto Competition or she’s in big trouble.