Big Brother Spoilers: Power of Veto Meeting – Week 10

With only a few short weeks left until the Big Brother 18 finale, every single move the houseguests make is absolutely vital to their game. One wrong decision could make the difference between going home with a half million dollars in their pocket, or sitting bitterly in the Jury voting for someone else to win the prize.

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Big Brother 18 Live Feeds

This is the time in the competition where trust becomes a very shaky commodity, and deciding to make pacts with the wrong people could screw up your whole game. This particular week, there has been a lot of double-dealing been going on behind closed doors, and much of it has been about what would happen at today’s Veto Meeting.

On Saturday, Head of Household Nicole Franzel doubled up her wins in the house this week by also nabbing the coveted Power of Veto. This was great news for Nicole, who wants her eviction nominee Michelle Meyer out of the house pronto. Let’s not forget that Michelle called Nicole a “snake” on live TV when she thought she was about to be evicted not long ago. Plus, everyone has been feeding Nicole on a buffet of ‘Michelle is coming after you’ constantly.

Thus, once Nicole won the Power of Veto, it was pretty clear that there was no way she would use it to save Michelle from the block. However, Paul, Nicole’s other eviction nominee (and pawn), did try to convince the veteran she should take him off the block and put up Natalie so that he would be able to join the vote against Michelle. However, this would mean Nicole would have to basically reveal she and Corey have partnered up with Paul and Victor, and putting the boot to any possibly sneaky side deals with Natalie and James.

So going into the Veto Meeting on Monday, we were pretty sure that Nicole would decide to leave the nominations exactly the same, with the intention of the house voting out Michelle on Thursday. Although we aren’t really sure that’s the best decision for her game, as deciding this week to go after Michelle, who is a much weaker player than Paul, when Paul is right there on the block to make a big move against… may end up being a very bad decision for Nicole indeed.

Update: The official spoilers are in from the Live Feeds and Nicole did not use the Power of Veto. Michelle and Paul remain as the final eviction nominees this week.


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