Big Brother Spoilers: Week 3 Head of Household Competition [PHOTOS]

We have Big Brother 16 spoilers from the Live Feeds last night on the upcoming Head of Household Competition! Or should we call that the Heads of Household Competition. Hmmm. It’s all so weird this season. Anyway, we digress.

Big Brother 16 Head of Household Competition
Big Brother 16 Head of Household Competition

We’ve seen this challenge theme before and it’s not an easy one. There’s pretty  much no way to predict which two Houseguests will end up on top this week from this competition. You are either good at it, or you aren’t, and anyone could potentially end up as the winners this week. Well, Zach might just have a bit of an edge because he is a golfer, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Last night on the Big Brother Live Feeds, the Houseguests were given the chance to practice the competition, as they often are when it is this type of challenge. If you have the Feeds, you can rewind with the flashback to 9:00 PM BBT to watch them attempt to figure out the game.

According to the instructions, the HGs have to stand in a metal tub and swing a mallet to whack a croquet ball down a ram and around a bunch of blocks to get it in the goal. This was just a sketchy setup for practice and we’re sure the real competition will end up being far more polished on tonight’s show.

Since it is not an endurance challenge, we can hopefully expect to get the Head of Household results before the show is over tonight.

* Some screenshots courtesy of Our Feeds were misbehaving.


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