Big Brother 17 Recap: Bye Bye Showmance, Hello New HoH! 8/5/2015

Unless CBS Big Brother pulls a fast one on us tonight, one half of the Clay and Shelli showmance will be headed home this evening. Without even time to sniffle and cry, the surviving partner will be thrust into the second endurance Head of Household Competition of the season. If they don’t win, they are very likely to find themselves the next Houseguest getting the boot.

Shelli and Clay hug it out on Big Brother (CBS)

Although we are kind of leaning toward which one of the showmancers will be the one who got evicted on Big Brother tonight, we still aren’t 100 percent certain. These crazy Houseguests, especially deciding voters Austin and the twins, have been going back and forth for days. Add to that a nasty fight between James and Clay earlier today, and who knows what is going to happen!

There are a couple of things we DO know for sure. If Shelli (or Clay if he survives) doesn’t win Head of Household, they could be riding that train right out the door behind their former love interest next week. Even if Vanessa wins, we wouldn’t count on her as a firm ally because she will do whatever she thinks is best for her game, no matter who she tramples over.

On the other hand, if James or one of his allies doesn’t win the HoH, he is almost certainly going up on the block and very well could be the big target of the week. If there is a double eviction on the way, that ‘side’ of the house could be decimated with James and possibly Jackie going out together. That would pretty much leave Vanessa, Austin, and the twins to pick off the stragglers one by one.

We can’t wait to see what happens in our live of tonight’s week 6 eviction and HoH Comp show! And why does Julie Chen look like a crazy librarian banana tonight?

Big Brother 17 Episode 20 (1)

Clay and Shelli have promised not to campaign against each other. Liz is just happy that she and Julia aren’t up on the block.

James has worked hard to make Shelli the target this week and he hopes everyone will go with the plan.

Shelli and Clay cry and snuggle and hug. Vanessa says she feels terrible, but this is a critical moment in the game. She thinks Shelli is the best one to stay for her game.

Big Brother 17 Episode 20 (2)

Shelli says in DR that she has to do whatever she can to stay in the game, but she’s got to do it in a way that won’t hurt Clay.

James talks to Austin and tells him about Clay and Shelli talking about his Judas alter-ego and that Austin wanted him to go on the block, back when he was an eviction nominee. Austin says that is not how it was at all. James says he has nothing against Austin though.

Big Brother 17 Episode 20 (4)

Austin tells Vanessa and Jul/Liz? about his conversation with James and how Clay and Shelli have been talking to them. Austin says in Diary Room that he and Vanessa have to be as tight as possible. Vanessa says she takes this very personally and calls them fools.

Big Brother 17 Episode 20 (5)

Vanessa says in DR that she is pissed at Clay and Shelli for talking to James. But right now she has to mend fences to make sure her game doesn’t go down the drain. So she goes to Shelli and spills, including telling her that she heard Clay and Shelli revealed their alliance. Shelli immediately starts talking about how she is the better player than Clay, hint, hint. Vanessa tells Shelli not to campaign, she’ll do it for her.

Big Brother 17 Episode 20 (6)

Shelli goes to clear the air with the Sixth Sense Alliance, namely Austin and the twins. Shelli says James backed her up against the wall and she fell for it. She says that they totally played her and she threw Austin under the bus. But now she is owning up to what she did wrong.

Big Brother 17 Episode 20 (8)

Austin is not happy about what Shelli did, but says in DR that he is not going to blow up the alliance over this. Vanessa says in DR pretty much the same thing. They all swear to each other to be closer and strong and move forward in this game. Shelli says she loves all of them, and in DR says this might be the one who stays.

Big Brother 17 Episode 20 (9)

Next up after the commercial break, we’ll have a guest appearance soon from The Hitmen alliance last week.

Flip to the next page for more in our recap of the week 6 eviction and HoH show!

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