Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 7 Block Nominations (09/15/23)
The current Head of Household Jared knew his plan for the week even before the usual meetings began. Luckily for Jared, not so lucky for the rest of the house, he had plenty of target […]
The current Head of Household Jared knew his plan for the week even before the usual meetings began. Luckily for Jared, not so lucky for the rest of the house, he had plenty of target […]
Cameron Hardin’s week as HOH has been quite interesting in the Big Brother 25 house, and he has brought the chaos…as promised. Initially, he let the house believe that Blue Kim and Jag Bains would […]
The Big Brother 25 tides have shifted and now the power structure has been completely demolished. Cirie and her 50 thousand alliances exist no more. Instead, everyone has basically become a free agent. Wednesday in […]
Cameron Hardin regained power in the Big Brother 25 house and set out to shake things up. After his first week as HOH was a disappointment thanks to a Big Brother twist, Cameron has not […]
Cameron has been drunk with power this Big Brother 2023 week in both comical and not-so-comical ways. He is a man of many plans and many coded conversations. He started the week by nominating Izzy […]
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