Who Was Evicted Tonight on Big Brother 25? (08/17/23)
Hisam Goueli has all the power inside the Big Brother 25 house…at the moment. Will all that power put a target on his back next? Possibly. This week, he won the Head of Household competition […]
Hisam Goueli has all the power inside the Big Brother 25 house…at the moment. Will all that power put a target on his back next? Possibly. This week, he won the Head of Household competition […]
The Big Brother 25 is clearly divided. The last Head of Household competition would dictate which side had the current control of the house. After simple luck, Hisam Goueli won the competition when Jared Fields […]
Head of Household Hisam has made it known that he wants Reilly out of the game. He knows that she would target him, and he sees her as the leader of the other side. Without Reilly being […]
The second night of the Challenge USA premier continues this evening and will decide the fate of the first elimination of the season. The blue team won the first challenge and was safe from elimination. […]
Last week on Big Brother 25, the new houseguests got straight to business with forming alliances and targeting those who would not help their game. HOH Reilly Smedley had Felicia Cannon and Kirsten Elwin on […]
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