Big Brother 25 Episode 40 Recap: A Record Breaking Episode
We are at the final four juncture in Big Brother 25, and this season seems to have lasted forever. Bowie Jane is the current Head of Household, but the HOH doesn’t hold the power in […]
We are at the final four juncture in Big Brother 25, and this season seems to have lasted forever. Bowie Jane is the current Head of Household, but the HOH doesn’t hold the power in […]
It’s the last and most important Veto Competition of Big Brother 25. The final four Veto establishes the final three. The Veto holder not only guarantees themselves safety but they get to cast the deciding […]
Matt Klotz won this week’s Head of Household competition in Big Brother 25. He nominated Felicia Cannon and Cirie Fields to the block for eviction. His target was Felicia. He has had a special connection […]
Matt Klotz won the last episode’s Head of Household with only five houseguests remaining in the Big Brother 25 house. Matt and Jag Bains have a final three with Bowie Jane. They also have a […]
Once Jag won the Power of Veto, this Big Brother 25 week ended. He has no plan to use the Veto. Instead, it will be a battle between Felicia and Cirie to stay in the […]
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