For those who might be unaware, Big Brother 15 HouseGuest Nick Uhas has been wandering around the country since the show ended filming shamelessly self-promotional videos. The YouKnowYouTube (YKYT) Tour, which the BB15 HouseGuest funded through Kickstarter, features Nick roaming around filming himself hanging out with various YouTube stars and other Big Brother cast members.

For this YouTube video series, Nick Uhas managed to raise $18,291 from 125 donations on KickStarter. Seriously, we aren’t kidding. Yet, for some reason, our local food bank can’t seem to get enough donations to give out Thanksgiving turkeys to everyone who is in need this year. Amazing where our monetary priorities are these days, right? Oh well, we guess Nick has to earn a living somehow after failing to snatch any cash on Big Brother.
Anyway, we digress. In the latest YKYT Tour video, Nick Uhas drops in for Judd Daughtery’s coming home party in Etowah, TN. During his intro, Nick calls Judd “one of America’s most loved characters on Big Brother ever.” We’re not sure if Judd is really loved that much or if it is just a strange fascination with the infamous bear shirt, but whatever.
The feature features Nick, Judd, Jeremy McGuire, Amanda Zuckerman, and McCrae Olson hooking up with Judd’s friends and family for a big welcome home bash. As Nick describes it on YouTube: “Things get a little funky after the sun goes down with a cornhole competition with a twist — putting on the line a bet that has the loser eating pig testicles.” Whee, doesn’t that sound like fun?