Big Brother 25 Pressure Cooker Live Recap
The Big Brother 6 Pressure Cooker has become a staple in Big Brother history. Fans often talk about it as a defining moment in the show’s 20+ history. They either witnessed the event firsthand or […]
The Big Brother 6 Pressure Cooker has become a staple in Big Brother history. Fans often talk about it as a defining moment in the show’s 20+ history. They either witnessed the event firsthand or […]
Since last week, Cirie and her alliance have plotted and planned to backdoor Hisam. His Head of Household reign rubbed his alliance the wrong way. It all stemmed from his need to control his Big […]
This week’s Big Brother 25 Head of Household Felicia set her goal for the week the moment she because of the person in charge. She would execute the plan that had begun last Big Brother […]
Hisam feels confident and secure with his Big Brother 2023 alliance. However, he has no clue that they want him out. 95 percent of the Big Brother 25 houseguests want him out after his Head […]
The house is against Hisam, and he hasn’t realized it yet. The unanimous votes to evict Reilly have convinced him that the house is still on his side. However, his own Professor alliance members have […]
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