Who Was Evicted On Big Brother 26 Tonight? (8/15/24)

Tonight on Big Brother 26, either Rubina, Makensy, or Cedric will be evicted, and one of those houseguests will save their game in the AI Arena before the live vote and eviction. Will the house orchestrate a vote flip, or will Makensy be the target this week? The house alliance, the Collective, may be in trouble this evening if T’Kor and Kimo get their way with targeting one of their own.

Big Brother 26

Big Brother 26 Week Four AI Arena Battle

The AI Arena Battle tonight is called the Upload/Download. They will roll balls up a ramp. The first houseguest to successfully roll five balls up the ramp will win safety and be taken off the block in week four of Big Brother 26.

big Brother 26

Makensy won the competition and safety for the week. This was a very close competition. Makensy beat Rubina to the final buzzer and won by just a few seconds.

Cedric and Rubina are now the final two houseguests to be evicted this week. Cedric is a member of the large house alliance called the Collective. T’Kor and Kimo have been talking this week about flipping the vote and targeting one of their own with Cedric. Will they shake things up with the live vote tonight?

Big Brother 26 Week Four Live Vote and Eviction

The time has come for the live vote and eviction. The votes this week were as follows:

Tucker voted to evict Cedric
Makensy voted to evict Cedric
Leah voted to evict Cedric
Kimo voted to evict Cedric
Chelsie voted to evict Rubina
T’Kor voted to evict Cedric
Brooklyn voted to evict Rubina
Cam voted to evict Rubina
Joseph voted to evict Cedric

By a final vote of 6 to 3, Cedric was evicted from the Big Brother 26 house. During his exit interview with host Julie Chen Moonves, Cedric said he knew T’Kor and Kimo were responsible for his eviction tonight. T’Kor and Kimo have a close relationship with Rubina, which spells trouble for Cedric. Julie asked why he volunteered to go on the block this week as a pawn when he knew what a risk this could be for his game. He said he thought he had the support but did not.

Big Brother 26

Big Brother 26 has announced a new America’s Vote called the AI Instigator. Votes will be made online to select which houseguest will win this new crown. Using their hologram, the AI Instigator will create chaos and spread misinformation in the Big Brother 26 house. America will also decide how much money the AI Investigator will be rewarded.

This week’s Head of Household competition was announced as the infamous wall competition, an endurance competition. Watch the live feeds to catch all the action.

Join us again on Sunday, August 18th at 9 PM EST for the HOH competition and the block nominations for week five on Big Brother 26.

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