Who Was Evicted On Big Brother 26 Tonight? (8/8/24)

Tonight’s episode of Big Brother 26 will go down in the history books. In the last episode, Tucker wins the golden Power of Veto, and everyone expects him to save himself, but he does not. Instead, Tucker gave the veto power to Angela, who was taken off the block for eviction.

Big Brother 26

Surprisingly, Big Brother 26 HOH Cedric placed Makensy on the block as the replacement nominee this week. Just as the meeting was to be adjourned, Makensy used America’s Veto to save her game. Her special power grants America with a vote to name the replacement nominee. The catch is that it won’t be announced until tonight before the live eviction ceremony.

Big Brother 26 Week Three Power of Veto Ceremony Fallout

Cedric and Tucker debated the power of veto. Tucker was very upset with Cedric because Quinn was the target this week. The Pentagon alliance considered evicting Tucker rather than Makensy and/or America’s Vote.

Cedric called a Big Brother 26 house meeting. Many of the houseguests were exposed for knowing about Quinn’s special power, so he decided to come clean with the house. He also told everyone that he had no idea today that Tucker’s game was completely exposed to the Big Brother 26 house for next week.

Big Brother 26 America’s Veto Vote

Everyone in the Big Brother 26 house is curious to know who America will vote to put on the ballot as the third nominee this week. All of the houseguests are also focused on preparing for the Big Brother 26 AI Arena. This competition before the live vote will exempt one houseguest from the live vote and eviction tonight.

Cedric and Tucker had a huge argument about what has happened in the Big Brother 26 house this week. Tucker seems to regret not using the POV on himself. This week, he can be evicted from the house because he didn’t save his game with the POV.

Big Brother 26 America’s Vote & AI Arena Competition

Host Julie Quinn Moonves announced the houseguest who will replace Angela on the block. America voted and selected Quinn as the third houseguest on the block to compete in the Big Brother AI Arena.

Tucker, Kenney, and America’s Vote Quinn will compete against one another in the AI Arena. The winner will be safe from eviction this week. The competition is called Data Dump, and here is how it works. There are corrupted data balls that must be collected in the air chamber. The first to collect 20 balls wins the competition.

Big Brother 26 AI Arena

Tucker was the first houseguest to collect 20 red balls and will be removed from the block for eviction this week. Either Kenney or Quinn will be evicted from the Big Brother 26 house this week.

Big Brother 26 Week Three Live Eviction Vote

During the live eviction vote, the houseguests voted as follows:

Tucker voted to evict Quinn
T’Kor voted to evict Kenney
Angela voted to evict Kenney
Chelsie voted to evict Kenney
Makensy voted to evict Kenney
Brooklyn voted to evict Kenney
Rubina voted to evict Kenney
Cam voted to evict Kenney
Kimo voted to evict Kenney
Joseph voted to evict Kenney
Leah voted to evict Kenney

Big Brother 26 Kenney Kelley

By a vote of 10-1, Kenney was evicted from the Big Brother 26 house. During his exit interview with Julie, Kenny said he missed his kids and wanted to return to them. He had been trying to audition for Big Brother for many years previously and was not accepted. If his kids had been younger, it would have been a different story, in his opinion. He said that he had a great time in the Big Brother 26 house and wished all of the houseguests well.