The first full week of Big Brother: Over the Top (BBOTT) has finally come to an end meaning that we have our first evicted houseguest (HG). The final three block nominees are Kryssie Ridolfi, Danielle Lickey, and Cornbread Ligion after the initial target, Jason Roy, took himself off the block by winning the Power of Veto (POV). The house will now vote for the HG to be the first evicted of the season.

By a vote of 9-1, Cornbread has been evicted from the Big Brother house.
The eviction votes were as follows:
- Nelly voted to evict Cornbread
- Jason voted to evict Cornbread
- Whitney voted to evict Cornbread
- Morgan voted to evict Cornbread
- Justin voted to evict Cornbread
- Shelby voted to evict Cornbread
- Scott voted to evict Cornbread
- Alex voted to evict Danielle
- Shane voted to evict Cornbread
- America’s Eviction Vote was Cornbread
Interestingly, Alex admitted in the Diary Room that she was going to vote for Danielle to create paranoia in the Big Brother house. Her plan worked. As soon as the eviction ceremony was over, Danielle was already seen talking about why America didn’t like her and voted for her to be evicted tonight.
A few minutes later when Alex was speaking with Monte about the rogue vote for Danielle, she suggested that America was the one that voted for Danielle tonight. Could Alex be a little trouble-maker in the works?
The eviction of Cornbread this evening should not come as a big surprise to fans that have been watching the Live Feeds all week. Talks between the HGs for the last couple of days have indicted that Cornbread would be the target to go home. Whether it was his rough style or out loud personality that sent him packing first, he certainly will leave his mark on the house if for no other reason than his nickname.
As soon as Cornbread was told he was the evicted HG this week, he immediately walked out of the front door. He did not stop to say goodbye to any of his fellow HGs. Although we did not get to see Cornbread interviewed by Julie Chen upon his eviction this evening, there should be an interview of Cornbread by Julie airing at some point tomorrow, October 6th.
The HGs are all now preparing for the next HOH competition to be held very soon. They have been instructed to change into athletic wear for the competition. Check out our HOH article for up-to-date information on the HOH competition.
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