Big Brother nominations spoilers are in from the Live Feeds! Wow, we’ve certainly had quite the exciting week inside the house with houseguests going rogue, betraying each other, and making new deals and alliances on a near daily basis. If you’ve been waiting to tune into the Big Brother Live Feeds until things really started heating up this season, now is the time to get in on that action!

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds possibly including competition information or results, game play moves, alliances, showmances, etc. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
We had to wait until after this week’s America’s Care Package winner was notified of their new status before we could get to the eviction nominations on Friday. The viewers apparently decided that they would find it most entertaining if Michelle Meyer was to win the Co-HoH power prize. So Michelle joined the previous new Head of Household, Natalie Negrotti, in choosing this week’s nominees.
There was a lot of back and forth for a while about who the two ladies would put up, but in the end they decided to go for the bold move of targeting Victor and Paul. Natalie was the one who put up her very brief former showmance partner Victor (all over and done with before the Live Feeds were even turned on!). Michelle decided on nominating Paul, who was integral in the plan to get out Paulie and has established himself as quite a threat in the house at this point.
Michelle originally wanted to put up Nicole, but Natalie managed to quite slyly convince her to put up Paul instead. So much so that now Michelle is all talking about how she’s been wanting to go after Paule for weeks! Natalie is proving to be quite the more interesting and manipulative player than we imagined from early in the season. Plus, you gotta admire her for sticking to her guns that she was not going to put one of the other ladies on the block if she won Head of Household.
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