Who Won HOH Tonight on Big Brother 21 & Who Was Nominated to the Block? (8/18/19)

Last week, Tommy Bracco and company totally controlled the Big Brother 21 house and accomplished their mission to perfection. Tommy won the Head of Household (HOH) competition and followed that up with another win in the Power of Veto (POV) competition. He successfully evicted his biggest threat in the game currently, Kathryn Dunn, without much trouble.

Big Brother 21

Now that Kathryn is gone, Cliff’s Angels is down to just three members and could really use a HOH win. Holly Allen and Jackson Michie were once also tight with Kathryn, and now they are off on their own in the game. Tonight’s completion of the endurance HOH competition is the most critical of the Big Brother 21 season thus far. Who will win the power this week and who will they nominate for eviction?

Week Seven Pre-Eviction Fallout

Prior to last week’s eviction, Jessica was looking to throw down some drama in the Big Brother 21 house. She went to Analyse Talavera and shared info about a new 6-person deal between Christie Murphy, Analyse, Nick Maccarone, Tommy, Cliff, and Nicole Anthony. Jess also shared info with Analyse that Holly told her that she (A) was flirting with Jackson. Drama ensued with no true outcome other than Jess painting a target on her back.

Week Eight Head of Household Competition

This week’s HOH competition is the Big Brother fan favorite, the slip-n-slide. The theme this year is a take on Octoberfest, renamed Aug-Toberfest. Players are tasked with transferring “beer” down their slippery lane, over and over again, until their “beer” stein is full. The first player to completely fill their stein wins the week eight HOH competition.

Big Brother 21

Jackson and Nick seem to be out to a fast start while Jessica Milagros and Cliff Hogg III are really struggling in this one. This comp is definitely a young man’s game. Regardless of how many times Cliff falls, he refuses to give up. Kudos to Cliff.

In the end, Jackson wins the week eight HOH competition! Right off the bat, Jackson vows to take out his biggest target in the Big Brother game. Christie should be back on the block, this time thanks to a fellow houseguest and not America.

His initial instinct is to put Sis on the block next to Christie to insure Christie goes home this week. That is his primary goal. He talks out his plan with Holly, after a brief celebration, to make sure he is thinking rationally.

Week Eight Block Nominations

As expected, Jackson nominated Christie and Analyse to the block for eviction this week. His target is 100 percent Christie, and he will do whatever it takes to send her home…now!

Join us again on Wednesday, August 20th at 9 PM EST/ 8 PM CST for another episode recap of Big Brother 21.

Big Brother 21

It’s Big Brother 21 season, so keep it here all summer for news, recaps, exclusives, spoilers and much more. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
