Former Big Brother 15 cast member McCrae Olson infamously dumped showmance girlfriend Amanda Zuckerman with a letter proclaiming his love for ex-girlfriend Jessica Fisher. Now it seems that McCrae has finally been able to lure Jessica back to his side and the two are officially back together.

We first spotted the news over at that McCrae and Jessica are once more an item. They screen-grabbed that McCrae had recently updated his status to be “in a relationship with Jessica Fisher.” We are on his friend’s list as well, but seem to have missed that update.
Taking a peek at Twitter, we see that McCrae recently copied Jessica on a post. Jessica, meanwhile, has several new photos of McCrae posted on her Instagram feed. As well as some fresh new pics of herself now spotting very blond hair.
We have to give kudos to McCrae for realizing what he really wanted and going after it full tilt. Apparently declaring your undying love for your ex-girlfriend in a public social media post after breaking up with your Big Brother showmance girlfriend worked out for him!