And then there were three…That’s right Big Brother fans, we are down to the final three houseguests (HG) of the Big Brother 18 season, but there is plenty of scheming, planning, and game play left to watch play out. Two veterans, James Huling and Nicole Franzel are still standing along with newcomer Paul Abrahamian all trying to out play one another for the grand prize of $500,000 and the Big Brother title.

The Live Big Brother Feeds from last evening (Tues. 9/13) showed the “soon to be” final three HGs making final two deals all over the place. Interestingly, none of these deals included Corey Brooks which indicates that the HGs were very aware that Corey would not be making the final three with the other HGs. Consequently, Paul, Nicole, and James didn’t bother to waste any of their time working out a deal with Corey who was apparently a ‘dead man walking’. Those thoughts are validated with Corey’s eviction this evening on the live show.
Paul and James were the first two HGs to be seen talking about a final two deal last evening. They both agreed that once Corey was evicted from the house, they would target Nicole together to insure she did not win the final Head of Household (HOH) competition. As a reminder, the final HOH winner holds the final power in the Big Brother game. The winner of that competition will decide which of the remaining two HGs they will take with them to the final two.
Not long after that conversation in the HOH room between Paul and James, Paul and Nicole have a very similar conversation in the HOH room once James has gone back downstairs. Paul reiterates to Nicole that he is just ‘pretending’ to be in a final two deal with James so that James doesn’t catch-on to his deal with Nicole. So, who is Paul really planning on making a final two deal with in the house, Nicole or James?
Paul has not been shy this season with sharing his opinion about his thought’s on James’ game play. For the last few weeks, Paul has shared with members of his own alliances that he does not respect James and doesn’t like his style of playing the Big Brother game. Paul even went as far as to tell Nicole last night that he doesn’t want to see James int he final two and won’t let the happen. In addition, Paul did a formal hand-shake agreement with Nicole for their final two deal that he did not do, or at least we did not see, with James. Does this indicate that he is just playing James like a fiddle? This is Big Brother and anything is possible.
To complicate matters a bit more, right before Corey was evicted from the Big Brother house, he and Nicole had the conversation about who Nicole should select as her final two if the games comes down to that scenario. Corey was adamant that she select James as her final two over Paul. Corey told Nicole that the selection to chose James over Paul for the final two is so obvious, and he is shocked when Nicole even briefly considers taking Paul over James.
So now, we have Paul making a final two deal with James. Paul is also making a final two deal with Nicole. In addition, Corey has told Nicole she would be a fool not to make James her final two deal. That’s every possible final two deal available to these HGs. I guess we can say, they are certainly covering all of their bases. Who is the best HG for each of them to take to the final two if they win the final HOH? Let’s hear what you think would be the best choice for each HG.
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