Who won Head of Household on Big Brother today in the first HoH Competition of the fall season? The special Big Brother Over the Top fall season only available on CBS All Access kicked off last night with a whole new crew of players entering the house, but only one could win the coveted first Head of Household challenge of BBOTT!

The live ‘premiere event’ for BBOTT took place on the Big Brother Live Feeds on Wednesday evening starting at 7PM PT / 10 PM ET and was supposed to last around 90 minutes. However, we didn’t even get all the players in the house in that amount of time and the opening festivities basically continued all night long. It was certainly a very different start to the season than fans were used to. We thought it was a great time!
Thanks to the unusual beginning of the new Big Brother Over the Top season, there was no Head of Household Competition on opening night. Normally the whole long meet and greet takes place an entire week before we see the edited not-live version of the players entering the house on ‘premiere’ night. Actually, we don’t usually even get to see anything of the first week at all on the Big Brother Live Feeds, so it’s quite a change!
In a normal season, viewers of the CBS Big Brother TV show would get to at least see the first Head of Household competition of the season kick off on ‘move-in’ night. However, in this case, the first HoH challenge of the season wasn’t scheduled until Thursday afternoon around 1 PM BBT.
CBS has promised no blackouts of any of the competitions this season, so it was cool to know we’d get to watch every minute of the first HoH this time around! On the other hand, we’ve now learned that the first Head of Household Competition will actually last for the next 24 hours. Well that’s a new one!
The HoH Challenge started with the houseguests being locked out in the backyard. When they came back in, there was a strange blue bottle with a note saying ‘only one can drink’. The houseguests had no idea what to think about that, but finally Shane decided to take the plunge and drink the bottle down. He was immediately told by the Big Brother voice that he was “infected” and to go immediately to the Diary Room.
After about 15 minutes or so, Shane came back out of the Diary Room and announced the Head of Household competition as “BB Bug”. Basically it’s like a plague-themed game of tag. When an alarm goes off, Shane as the infected player has to immediately run to infect another player. Infected players cannot be Head of Household. Each time a new player is infected, they have to pass along the infection when the next alarm sounds for the next 24 hours. At the end of the challenge tomorrow afternoon, the last person not infected will become HoH and have to nominate two people for eviction.
Here’s the rundown so far as of 6:00PM BBT on Thursday: Shane infected Danielle even though he had talked about infecting Kryssie, then Justin volunteered to be infected by Danielle, and Justin passed along the bug to Scott. Neely has offered to be the next person to be infected.
Neeley then gave it to Kryssie, who gave it to Morgan. Cornbread then deviced a plan to ensure Jason didn’t win HOH. He had Morgan give it to him, so he could give it to Jason.
He gave it too Jason. Jason plans to give it to Whitney. Jason stuck with his plan. He gave it to Whitney. He didn’t want to give it to Monte, to hopefully build a little trust between them. He hoped Whitney would take out Monte making Alex the winner.
However, it looks like Whitney plans to take out Alex, and make a deal with Monte for safety.
Whitney stuck to her goal. She took out Alex, making Monte the new Head of Household!
You can go back and rewind yourselves to watch the launch of the Head of Household challenge on the Live Feeds at 1:00 PM BBT with your CBS All Access subscription.
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